As an international student, you can work according to the conditions of your student visa.
Working while studying abroad helps with:
- funding your studies;
- learning more about the culture of the country you are in; and
- getting a professional job and staying in the country after graduating.
Work opportunities by country
Work options for international students vary greatly by country.
- Every English-speaking country allows some scope for student visa holders to do part time work.
- However, the conditions vary from relaxed to highly restrictive.
Australian and New Zealand
International students in Australia are free to pursue part-time work of up to 40 hours per fortnight. New Zealand has a similar arrangement, except that it is 20 hours per week and you need to apply for a variation in visa conditions.
Canada allows students to work on campus up to 20 hours per week but students need to apply for a work permit to be employed off campus.
United Kingdom
The UK has detailed arrangements that mainly allow students of higher degrees in non-private institutions to work part time. Other students face restrictions or are not allowed to work.
United States
The USA has the strictest conditions. Employment is essentially limited to on-campus jobs.
Immigration by international students
After studying and graduating, international students have a range of options for staying under a work permit.
A student visa is not a guaranteed way of obtaining a work permit and/or permanent residence in a foreign country. However, there are direct and indirect immigration advantages from studying abroad. These vary by country.
You are generally in a good position to emigrate if you (i) complete a higher level qualification and (ii) receive a job offer by the time you graduate.