Education Section (CV or Resume)

posted in: CV or Resume Sections | 1

Simple and tailored

Education is often the make-or-break section of a CV or resume. You need a good one to get an interview for a professional or skilled position, especially if you are a recent graduate.

  • For jobs requiring a degree but little experience, recruiters start by rejecting applicants with sub-par or unrelated credentials.

How much emphasis you place on education and how much detail you put in depend on where you sit against the recruiter's benchmark.

At a minimum, you need to show that you are technically qualified or have a suitable background. More detail can be added if you have selling points such as strong grades and job-relevant coursework.

Qualification and university or college

The qualification and education institution are simple facts that should be placed upfront.

  1. Lead with the qualification, including majors, as this is the natural headline.
  2. Follow with the university, college or other education institution.


The date or dates can follow the institution name or be placed at the same level as the qualification.

  • You can show either the years that you studied, the year you finished or the year the award was conferred.
  • Avoid using a range if it suggests you did not complete or failed some subjects.


While opinions vary, we suggest you only show your grade average if:

  1. you have limited professional experience (grades become less relevant over time) and
  2. you believe it strengthens your case to be interviewed.

Classes and projects

Information about course content should be included if it is job-relevant and you are in the early stages of your career.

  • Keep it short and sweet. Recruiters are seldom interested in detail.
  • A summary of topics is usually better than naming individual courses.

Awards and achievements

Awards and honors are valuable indicators of development and achievement.

To increase impact, place them separately at the end of the relevant qualifications section.

One Response

  1. Edwin Albertson
    | Reply

    It is incredible how many people have trouble with their CV resume. This is particularly disturbing when you see how many online guides there are and free services for polishing up your entire resume (rather than just the CV portion). The university where you graduated should be able to help and most states in the U.S. have an employment department office that offers assistance.

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